The Next Big Thing: The Kickoff of Sports Program

*Hangs head in shame* I know, I know, I’ve been noticeably absent from the blogging boards this week. Why? Because we’ve all been putting our noses to the grindstones and the pedal to the metal to launch THE NEXT BIG THING.

With the launch of Sports Program (going live the minute my programmer finishes the paperwork, which should happen somewhere between now and next century…this Monday…one or the other) we’re finally getting the chance to do something we’ve been dying to do since budget cuts all but obliterated the sports programs of area schools: Give Booster Clubs the tools they need to close the gap between the budget they have and the cash they need.

How are we doing it? By bidding a fond farewell to the exclusivity of professional design software (and the thousands of dollars schools pay to build their sports program books) with the launch of our custom-built FREE version of Program Designer PRO.

Since I’ve devoted nearly every waking hour this week to getting Program Designer PRO built, customized and looking pretty for next week’s launch, I have to take a moment to rhapsodize poetically about what it’s going to do. It’s going to give every Booster Club president, enthusiastic parent and student volunteer the drag-and-click technology to do for free in a matter of hours what they’ve spent years paying professional designers hundreds or even thousands of dollars to do over the course of months-build their sports program books, filled with great pictures of the team, fun captions, embarrassing parent pages and yes, advertisements from area businesses who willingly dip into their marketing budgets to buy ad space to support their local schools.

If You’re Not in the Loop, Now’s the Time to Jump

I have 3 kids in the public school system, which also translates to “I spend half my life helping with one fundraiser or another”, and while there’s a certain amount of aggravation involved I have to admit it’s given me a fine appreciation for how badly schools need their booster clubs to close the gap. Even if you don’t have kids in the school system, take a second to stop by, look at the site and pass it on to friends and family that do. And stay tuned! We’ll be back tomorrow to talk about innovation, unique marketing and learning to RUN LIKE YOU STOLE IT!