
The 411 on Your Prints, Your Proofs, and You

The various types of printing proofs, why proofs matter and which proof is the right choice for your project.

Can I Use 72 DPI Web Graphics for My Print Project?

The difference between 72 DPI and 300+ DPI, and why it matters when you’re choosing images for your print projects.

Design Basics for Your Print Files

Margins, bleeds, file formats and text alignment: What you need to know about designing your printed materials and formatting your files before you send them to print.

Prepress Proofing Checklist

Checklist of points to check before you send your file to print.

What are Bleeds, How to Allow Bleeds, and What Bleeds Can Do for Your Project

The 411 on bleeds, why you need them and how you incorporate them into your printing project.

What’s the Difference Between Offset and Digital Printing?

The difference between digital printing and offset printing and choosing the right one for your printing project.

Why Microsoft Publisher is NOT Printer Friendly, No Matter What Anyone Might Think

What no one tells you about Microsoft Publisher and why it’s a bad choice for your printing projects.