Welcome back! So, for all of you tuning in for the first time, yesterday we took a look at why it’s so important to present a united front both on and off the web. Today, let’s talk about how you can use your email marketing campaign to build a rockin’ direct mail marketing campaign that’s going to bring people to your door, boost your profits and send revenues through the roof.

Your email marketing campaign is the pefect foundation to turn your direct mail marketing campaign into a real crowd pleaser.
You already have an email marketing campaign going, and if you don’t, you should. Let me ask you this. When you first sat down to write those emails for that campaign, what did you see? The first picture in your mind had to have been the value your company could offer all the people on your mailing list. After all, they took the time to come see you. They volunteered to read whatever you wanted to send them.
At the very least, they agreed to let you send it to them without complaining they were being SPAMMED.
Since they were being so very, very considerate, you want to repay the favor by giving them the most value you can cram into each email. You don’t want to be repetitive or boring, or to talk about completely useless stuff that nobody really cares about, or they’re going to unsubscribe. You also want to make sure they’re getting plenty of information, deals and other things they really want to hear about, or they’re going to unsubscribe.
That’s exactly the principle you want to cling to when you start sending out your direct mailing campaign. After all, if you’re boring or repetitive, or you don’t offer them anything in your mailings that’s going to inspire them to come back for more, your users are going to toss your expensive, carefully crafted direct mail marketing materials are going to go directly in the trash. Somehow, that’s worse than watching them unsubscribe from a digital mailing list that didn’t cost you a thing.
When you’re looking for a place to start when you’re planning your direct mail campaign, take a look at the statistics on your emails. (If you’re not tracking your email marketing campaign, you should. Aweber.com has some great tools that can help.) Which emails generated the most response from your readers? What did you say or do that made them want to come find out more?
Now that you know what your customers want, transfer that information over into your direct mailing campaign.
Tune in tomorrow to hear us wax poetic about website subscriptions, mailing lists and how to convince your customers they really do want to give you their home address!