When Second Life Clashes into Real Life: How to Integrate Your Offline Marketing Campaign with Your Online/Email Marketing Campaign, Part 1-Why You Care

Do you want to know what makes a good company great? Its ability to present a united front through its marketing campaigns, product lines and customer service. The days of mass marketing to all and sundry through conventional channels are long gone. You already know that

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It's time to get excited about your marketing campaign!

To get you started, let’s take a look at why integrating your online and offline marketing campaigns matter. One of the most popular steps schools, businesses and non-profit organizations are taking in today’s Web 2.0 world is outsourcing their online and email marketing campaigns to companies that specialize in “that sort of thing” while they keep their offline marketing strategies firmly in their pocket.

That might be great from a personnel point of view, but what do you do when the individuals that take over your online and email marketing campaign don’t have the same vision you do? Or the same experience with your target market? You’re going to end up with two very different sets of customers courtesy of two very different marketing campaigns, and while sometimes it all works out for the best what usually happens is that you end up losing any chance you had of firmly establishing your brand, fragmenting your niche and making it much more difficult to gain a foothold in a market that already has too much competition.

We’re going to show you how to keep that from happening. Tune in tomorrow to find out how to turn your email marketing campaign into a direct mail marketing promo that brings customers flocking to your door!