How Google Instant is Rocking Small Business Marketing

It seems like every time you turn around there’s another headline making its way into the news from downtown Google. This time? This time it’s Google Instant flashing across the country and around the world in Google’s never ending quest to give its customers better, stronger and, most importantly, more accurate results.

What is Google Instant? If you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of months, you may not have heard about Google’s hottest new technology; however, if you’re part of the 99% of the population that uses Google as a primary search engine, you’ve seen it in action. Google Instant takes the words you type into the query box and immediately draws up the appropriate page of search results while you search, giving your results up to 2 seconds faster. 2 seconds might not feel like a lot, but when you consider the fact that the average marketer only has 3 seconds to catch the eye of their consumer, it all comes into focus.

Of course, knowing Google came out with another incredible piece of technology that people are going to be talking about for the next month isn’t exactly news. We almost expect it from them these days! What is news is what Google Instant can teach you about giving your customers what they really want from your business.

1)      Our customers appreciate convenience.  You live in a world where things need to be done yesterday, and so do your customers. Google Instant is making a splash by shaving 2 seconds off the amount of time they spend waiting for their search results. What can your company do to put more than 2 seconds back into their day?

2)      Think outside the box. No one told Google there was only one way to run a search engine, and they’ve been dominating the global market ever since. The only one that’s dictating the way something needs to be done is you. When you’re willing to set the blinders aside, you’ll be amazed at what you can do.

3)      Don’t think in terms of dollars and cents. Google started out as a school project, not a multi-billion dollar corporation. Their focus has always been on customer satisfaction first, with advertising dollars coming in at a distant second. Every time they change their algorithms, it’s not to please their advertisers. It’s to please the millions of people every day that come to them looking for results. When you give your customers what they want, steady revenue is sure to follow.