Marketing success means learning to blend all the colors of your arsenal into each and every campaign.
This is it, ladies and gentlemen. The end of the road. You’ve hung in there for all 10 parts of our in-depth look at some of the ins and outs of integrating an offline marketing campaign with an online/email marketing campaign. Hopefully you’ve already put some of them to good use!
We’re working out some technical kinks right now, but once we have comments re-enabled we’d love to hear about it! While we’re waiting for your inspiring stories of wisdom and wonder, however, it’s time to draw all of this together and tie it up with a nice, big bow. We’re going to talk about your big finish.
Getting your customers’ attention is important. Keeping it is even more so. The only way to keep your company right out there in the public eye where it belongs is to spend every…single…day making sure your business is thriving where people can find it! That means that your direct mail and email marketing campaigns should be ongoing, month after month, year after year.
Most experts suggest you plan a direct mail marketing campaign to last 12-18 months. I say plan your first year, then get started on your second…and your third…and your fourth…and-well, you get the picture. The point is, whether you send your marketing materials via direct mail or snail mail you still need to keep them out there in the public eye.
That means that while it may be time for our big finish, you shouldn’t plan on planning yours just yet.