The 10 Best iPad Apps and How Businesses Are Using Them to Power Their Marketing Campaign 

Apple is the hottest thing on the news these days. With that in mind, we thought we’d take a minute or 3 and look at the 10 hottest iPad apps on the market and how business owners are using them to power their marketing campaign (or could be using them, if they’d just get past that whole prejudice about actually working at work…)

Social Media Marketing: How Much Is Too Much? 

The Internet is the new global frontier for today’s marketers. Between Twitter, LinkedIn, Four Square, Facebook, Second Life, blogging, Friendster…well, I could keep going on, and on, and on, but I won’t. I think it’s enough to say that there’s no shortage of social media options out there for you and your company, and if […]

Seeing (and Printing) Green, Take Two 

Uh oh. I realized this morning that this post didn’t post, but was instead sitting around taking up space in my drafts folder. My fault? Probably. So many buttons, so little time. To everyone that stopped by on Friday to catch up on the ins and outs of the color green…please let me live! And […]

You Don’t Have to be Mary Sunshine to Use Yellow when Printing Your Marketing Materials 

Walk up to a psychologist or an interior designer and ask them about the color yellow. Go ahead. I dare you. 9 times out of 10 they’re going to tell you that an abundance of yellow is over-stimulating. It should be used as a secondary color at best. Are they right? Yes…and no. How much […]

South for the Winter 

I’m going to step aside from our regularly scheduled blog posts to wish everyone a happy, happy holiday-and tell you to tune back in after the holidays, when we’ll pick back up with our conversation on choosing the colors for your marketing campaign this winter. That’s right all, I’m flying south for the winter-but only […]


Printing Holiday Party Invitations Yesterday marked the first holiday party of the year here at East Ridge Printing-sort of. Actually, it was more of a southern barbeque fiesta in honor of the holidays done potluck style, but it definitely marked the beginning of the holiday season for all of us. It also got us thinking […]

Direct Mail Marketing 101: People Pay More Attention When They See What You’re Selling 

How to use our natural response to visual stimuli to create direct mail marketing pieces that zing.

Why Most Printing Services Ask for a PDF 

Have you ever noticed how many different versions of each type of software are on the market today? When sending an Office document you have to find out which version the recipient has or save it as a compatible file. Incompatible files look like they’ve been written in hieroglyphics. Imagine working in a professional printing […]

Holiday Cards? Thanksgiving Invitations? Christmas Pictures? Yep, the Holidays are Here! 

The 411 on holiday cards for business and family: Where to get them, why you should send them and how to make them work for your business.

Marketing in True Sally Hogshead Style: STOP BEING BORING! 

What would possess a perfectly sane human being to get up and tap dance on top of their desk in the middle of the day? That’s the secret. And it’s a secret you want to master if you’re going to master the ins and outs of marketing success.